
USFS Webinar

The U.S. Forest Service (USFS) will host a webinar, “Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program,” on Wednesday, Feb. 12 from 2-3:30 p.m. (ET).

The Forest Service’s Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration (CFLR) program encourages collaborative, science-based ecosystem restoration of priority forest landscapes and has helped catalyze larger restoration efforts surrounding National Forests. The first speaker will give an overview of the CFLR program, and two CFLR case studies will be shared from different regions of the US.

Webinar registration is open to all and attendance is free. To sign up, click here. Please contact Sara Comas at with comments, special accommodations, or to be added to the mailing list.

Society of American Foresters (SAF) Continuing Forestry Education (CFE) credits and American Planning Association (APA/AICP) Certification Maintenance (CM) credits are available for this webinar.